Monday, June 29, 2009

A Lesson in Culture II: Furro Love (Tiffany Thomas: Maceio, Brazil)

June is a party month in Brazil. Throughout the month, there are many (and I mean MANY) parties to celebrate the saints. These saint holidays began as Catholic holidays but are now permanent markers of the culture and everyone celebrates the saint holidays, despite religious affiliation. The most popular way to celebrate the saint holidays is to have a Furro party. At Furro parties, people dress in the traditional garb and dance the traditional dances of the culture. The word ´´Furro´´ is a rather new term that developed in the midst of WWII. During WWII, the US built a base in Brazil and in an attempt to make the American soldiers feel welcome at the Saint parties, the people put signs outside of the doors that read, ´´For All Parties.´´ Over the years ´´For All´´ has been shortened and Brazilianized to ´´Farro.´´ I have been to quite a few Furro parties this past month. And I can say that times have not changed since WWII. The people have gone out of their way to make me feel welcome at their parties. They have this welcoming attitude not just at parties, but always. I have never experienced hospitality like I have experienced it here. These people have taught me to break down the barriers that I put up against strangers and outsiders. They have shown me how to love all people, not just the ones that I am close to. We have been filled with God´s love and this love is for all.


Anonymous said...

Tiffany -- How did the Brazilians react to playing the US in the Confederations Cup?

tathomas said...

Everyone was so thrilled! And they love to remind me of their great victory! Whenever I meet someone new and tell them I am from the US, that is the first thing the say!